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Figure 3
UV–Vis electronic absorption spectrum, rR spectrum, and EPR spectra of TsNirK. (a) UV–Vis spectrum of as-purified TsNirK in 20 mM Tris–HCl buffer (pH 7.0) at 298 K. The rR spectrum was acquired with an excitation laser at 631.9 nm at 77 K (inset). (b) EPR spectra of as-prepared enzyme (I), added of nitrite (II), and simulation (III). The T1Cu and T2Cu spectral components (IV and V, respectively) were combined assuming a T1Cu:T2Cu ratio of ∼2:1. T1Cu: g1,2,3 = 2.260, 2.054, 2.034 and A1,2,3 = 5.9, n.d., n.d.; T2Cu: g1,2,3 = 2.296, 2.076, 2.054 and A1,2,3 = 14.5, n.d., n.d. (where n.d. means non-detectable). All the EPR experiments were carried out at 120 K.

Volume 6| Part 2| March 2019| Pages 248-258
ISSN: 2052-2525